Apr 16, 2006 10:30
Good weekend so far. But not a lot of sleep. I saw Scary Movie 4 on Friday...not all that great, but still a good time-waster. The SAW parody at the beginning with Dr. Phil and Shaq is absolutely hilarious. But I think I was the only person in the theatre laughing b/c I'm really the only Dr. Phil fan I know...besides Court of course. :-) I've definitely eaten way too much chocolate today, but hey it's Easter I'm entitled. Yesterday I got to hang out with Katye for the first time ina LONG TIME! YAY!!! We dyed Easter eggs at her house and watched a movie. Funness! She said she's going to see the Da Vinci code movie with me for my birthday when it comes out which is tres exciting! Hahaha, yes I just used French. And I don't even speak French! I've been reading "The Broker" by John Grisham lately [as I've said before], and there's lots of Italian in that...Italian's kinda like French right? Ok, I really think I need to stop rambling. I guess that happens when you're running on 2 and a half hours of sleep, multiple cups of coffee and some chocolate. Hahaha. I went to the 5:30am Easter vigil at church, which was all right...but still really early and really cold. It couldn'y have been more than 50 degrees in church...brrr. Especially b/c I was wearing this awesome outfit from NY & Co which left my calves and arms exposed...again, brrr. I'll bring it back to school and show it off. :-) Ok, I think I'm going to go watch Gilmore Girls and try to sleep a little bit. Then I have to do work. :-( Stupid school. I can't believe there's only 2 or 3 weeks left. Then next semester! Apartment is going to rooooockkkkk!!! Yay for awesome roommates! I need sleep now. Bye bye! Happy Easter!