Oct 02, 2006 18:09
so i wouldn't call coming here a mistake, i wouldn't call this degree a mistake. but i think i'm going to explore another option. maybe its just that i can't make up my mind- but shouldn't i be in a creative writing program instead of an english program? and why on earth have i not finished my book yet? and why have no not written short stories and memoirs and more poems than what i have? why, in my senior seminar for creative writing did i not pay attention when lavonne adams talked to us about applying to mfa programs? and the job market? etc etc? have i made the wrong choice? so... i'm going to start doing some research on mfa programs. i'd finish school sooner, get into a career sooner, and have time to write what i want instead of constantly doing research. on that note, i think i'm going to start a second livejournal that's solely for writing...