Taking Tally of the Harvest

Jul 20, 2016 03:58

For the first time in a few years I am going a summer without an extensive garden. Last year I tried to split my gardening time between two locations… bad idea. Not as much of a harvest as I would have liked and well yeah just bla.

Its Lughnasa in one week and, tough I don’t have an actual garden to harvest from, I’m looking back at 2016 and thinking month by month what I’ve gained this year.
So here it goes:

January: Humility; I stopped deluding myself that I wasn’t depressed and went to the doctor to get some help. Since then I’ve been on meds and, though still seeking a therapist, I can see a definite difference. I also, started grasping a better lifestyle in diet and progressing to exercise.

February: Courage; At the tail end of January I decided on buying a house in Hampton. February began the odyssey of home purchase. Many times I felt nauseous and pondered if this was all a folly but by the end of the month I was gun ho and wanted to get into my home.

March: Riding herd; this month I learned what it means to ride herd on a group of people. Between wrangling things at work, accepting the supervisor position, getting information from my realtor and loan officer, coordinating my friends to help me move etc. A lot of changes for me, a lot of great steps toward new growth.

April: Purge; well the fish hook had been pulled, the wound was a bit gangrenous anyhow. My 3-year relationship ended via Facebook messenger…. classy right? (chicken shit) Within that same day I, determined to cut the wound clean returned his things and didn’t wait for him to drag his feet. Its this time when I realized who my real friends are. Reva, Todd, Deb, Wray, yeah four people who have stood by me for years. Trotting pathways, slightly over grown between them and myself but I can still find my way. Lots of listening, lots of just being there. Healing by the end of the month. Reaffirmation that I have the best parents ever! My Dad came down on his spring break to help me get at least two rooms painted and one room polyurethaned. Huzzah! Plans for 4th of July weekend are in the works!

May: Budding; well this is what happens when you get drunk with a Viking…. Opinions are heard, whether you wanted to listen or not. And when a Viking has his fists full of your hair… you listen. I’ve been jerked out of my cocoon of self-pity (yeah I’m allowed to grieve a bit for what ended). Rocked a black beard festival and then zipped around the area with the Viking having a blast. Reforming that friendship that was so pitifully squandered back in December 2015. My Parents call and report that they’ve found me new kitchen cupboards. The price… $120.00 for 9 very nice cupboards. yeah they’re the best.

June: Persistence; Still unpacking but it’s starting to come together. Welcomed a new addition to my little family. A little kitty Loki. Aptly named, he is 100% mischief. Toward the end of this month, those who broke ties with me in April show their true colors when I stand by a true friend who needed help. It was startling how easy it was to sever ties with them. I feel a bit of loss from this but then I look at all that I’ve accomplished without them. They made promises they did not keep and well I’m not interested in associating with people like that.

July: Tenacity; Again my parents are amazing. 4th of July week they come down, and though I could not get the requested time off I got to hang out with them and help them basically rebuild my kitchen. All of the cupboards have been utilized and I now have more storage than I know what to do with. Happy that they got to meet some friends of mine, especially the Viking. At the same time, I can relate to Lagertha from the show Vikings…. The number of times she has to get in to Ragnor’s face over his idiotic ideas is almost hilarious and yet I find myself doing the same to the Viking in my life. Where friends of ours fail in convincing him of the need to purge what is no longer useful I succeed. When he needs to vent or at the fourth when an event churned up a lot of emotion, I’m the only witness…. I feel honored he trust me. At the same time my parents were down I added another kitty to my family. A little girl named Freyja. ^__^ So damned cute!

So that leaves me to now. It’s not quite August, Lughnasa is on the 1st & 2nd of the month, the first reaping of the fields and assessment of the past year. From these things I’ve listed, I’ve been greatly blessed this year. The Gods have been generous and kind to help me accomplish one dream; to own a house of my own. They have taught me a lesson that what I was hanging on to for so long I just had to let go. AND THAT’S OK! (that last part being the biggest thing to remember) The purge is not just a movie with copious amounts of bloodshed. I have a good feeling about the coming months and I hope that things continue. I’m growing and learning every day.
So with this listing of my harvest I hope to continue to make a regular journal entry once again. It’s been a while since I wrote here but here’s to a new beginning. Prost!
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