First Post:

Aug 18, 2016 19:59

Hello all,
I'm ea_stofnar. I go by SinsofYouth over on ao3, but that moniker was already taken when I got here. So I whipped up a pseudonym and here I am.
I don't think I'm going to write on here often, you'll probably have more luck finding me on ao3 honestly, but I'll try and keep things up to date.
I love beautiful boys and I hope, whatever I write, it's enjoyable. My hope is to entertain you. My goal is to one day be free of the stampeding plot bunnies that rule my subconscious. :/ (Not a lot of hope for the latter honestly).
I take requests, I can Beta if you need a second pair of eyes. Send me a message, or (Am I plugging? Does this count as plugging? I feel like it is...oh well.) check me out at ao3.

Until next time,