Mar 03, 2004 21:58
i had to, do do, ran away....from my brothers house that is.i'm spending the night at my mami's house and hope to get some rest...but like 30 mins. ago my brother called me wanting me to come back home claiming that the kids were fighting over him and that he couldnt play with hotwheels and barbies at the same time.well my remedy "puttum to bed" lol i love my niece did the cutest thing...i went to get her outta the car and she was sleeping and as i was getting her out she kinda woke up and said "i love you aunt eva" was soooooooo cute, and my nephew is just a boy, now he makes himself throw up and laughs afterwards, kinda like, i think i might move back in with my mom, but i hate to leave my brother like that, he needs a room mate (or a house mate) or whatever.well i'm gonna go to bed, heres some laughter (kinda) for the HCG players. kinda weird cause i'm going to medical school and shit.oh yea and my new screen name is Evaaaalasvegas......that one goes out to my lil sarah whom i miss dearly. and jenny and russel and jonathan and wade and candice and kc and charlette with her jack dainels.peace!