Jan 01, 2017 04:53
1. Get challenged and engaged by a job.
2. Be in bed before midnight 2 nights each week, and before 0100 5 nights a week.
3. Only have red meat once per week.
4. Only have chocolate once per week.
5. Only have crisps once per week.
6. Drastically reduce my intake of sugary drinks.
7. Exercise daily.
8. Get a driving license.
9. Read more books.
10. Write.
11. Meditate multiple times a week, if I can get anything from it.
12. Find peace within myself.
13. Do all I can to keep peace outwith myself, globally.
14. Spread hope.
15. Be a good and non-needy friend.
16. Get out more.
17. Work on friendships.
18. Hold on to integrity, and not compromise in the wrong ways: hold true to beliefs.
19. Be a better friend.
20. Learn things.