One day left in Florida.

Dec 15, 2005 15:24

So, I had just finished up my AP American History final, and I headed out to the school parking lot to go clean the car and go home. I got in my car and pulled out and the dean, who was directing traffic in the parking lot, told me to wait to go. I waited until he told me to go, and then I slowly went, but had to break because there were too many cars trying to get out of the exit at one time. So, I slowed down easily (I didn't slam on my breaks or anything!) and the person behind me rear-ends me.

So, I get out of the car and the dean tells me to slowly pull off to the side, so we both do, and I head over to her car to get her information and check out the damage. There was a big dent in the right side of my bumper, but I don't think there was any damage to her car. So, I went over to her window and she says, "Okay, don't say anything. I got mad money. I got mad money for this, just follow me to Crescent Lakes and don't say anything. I don't have my license, just a permit. I got mad money."

I basically said "WHATTHEFUCK" and yelled at her because she was a complete moron. Anyway, so Gaby, Ryan and Lindsay come over and we get down her information and the assistant principle comes over and tells me that I should also get the phone number and the owner's name, so I do. She was pissed and about to cry and was yelling at me, though, so I got pissed and called her a bitch. She called her parents and started crying and stuff.

Anyway, so I went home and my mother called her parents and the girl picked up and tried to pretend it was her mom, but she said something stupid like, "WELL, I WAS DRIVING!" and blew it. Anyway, so the mother called back and is/was a complete idiot and said she was going to pay us off, but she needed an insurance estimate first. My mom was laughing, because the lady didn't want to file a police report, yet she wanted an insurance estimate. You need a police report to get an estimate. Ugh. Anyway, so she said she needs to figure out what she's going to do, and my mom thinks it's hilarious how much of an idiot this woman is.

Ha. Anyway, I'm leaving for Michigan tomorrow at about 1:00 pm, right after finals. We're driving straight to Atlanta and then we're staying the night at my aunt's house, whom I am so excited to see. Then, the next day we're driving straight to Michigan. I cannot wait.

Finals are going well. I got an 87% somehow on my band final, and a 76% on my Math Analysis. I'm pretty sure I did fine in AP American History, and my DE Freshmen Composition was simple. I have AP Language and AP Chemistry tomorrow, and I'm mildly worried about Chemistry, but I don't think I'll do horribly. :)

rear-ended, car, michigan, car crash, mira mira, finals

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