Mar 14, 2019 04:47
The Strategic Rules
First: Patriarchy is destroying the world and therefore must itself be destroyed.
Second: Men will never willingly give their power to women, so Sisters must take it, by whatever means necessary.
Third: Sex in all its forms is the most powerful weapon women possess. Use it mercilessly.
Fourth: When Men sense they are losing, they will fall back upon violence, so be prepared to meet Male violence with equal or greater violence.
The Tactical Rules
The Great Goal of The Sisterhood is the establishment of the New Matriarchy. All actions and decisions can be reviewed upon the following question; “Does it move you [and us] toward or away from our Greater Goal?”
If the answer is "It moves us toward the Greater Goal," then the action or decision is a proper one.
If the answer is "It moves us away from the Greater Goal," then the action or decision is an improper one.
If the answer is "No significant effect perceived one way or another," double check just to make sure.
If that answer remains the same, then simply ask "Is pleasurable?"
If the answer is “Yes,” then proceed freely.
The Personal Rules
First: Your Service belongs to The Sisterhood.
Second: Your Spirit belongs to The Goddess.
Third: But your Body belongs to your Self.
liber sorores,
the sisterhood,
the temple,
the explanation,
her prophet speaks