The State of "The Explanation"

Feb 26, 2013 04:27

~This is what I said about “The Explanation” at the beginning of the Matriarchal Year, that it is our primary project; a Philosophical Treatise, Practical How-To Manual and Grand Majickal Working all in one document. And that I suppose put that way I’ve done well by the thing in the past four and half years. And that I probably should give myself a bit more credit and a bit more slack, but then such was not the nature of being a Prophet. And then I 'sighed'.

The below is its present state, with its new order and new titles. It runs about 80,000 words and I expect to add another 25/30,000. The entrees at E Speaks are ‘finalized’, though I’m sure I’ll fiddle with them a bit more. The entrees at Blogspot are still being edited, rewritten, worked on, etc. except for The Trikona which I’m fairly happy with. The Addendums are complete as is. [The titles as listed here are the final titles]

Her Prophet Explains: “Preface”

Basic Tenets of The Temple of The Pentavalent

Part One: Revealed Knowledge, The Pentavalent and a New Matriarchy

Part Two: The End of Men

Part Three: “Building a New Matriarchy - Metaphysics”

Part Four: “Building a New Matriarchy - Grand Strategy”

~At the moment, Part Four is where I am..well, not so much 'stuck' as deep 'in process'. I said a while back: “I do cut myself some slack in that I'm doing a harsh critique of Victim Feminism, the damage done to the Feminist Movement by Andrea Dworkin and Catherine MacKinnan, how so-called Rape Culture is actually organic to Male thinking [Dworkin didn't go far enough in that regard] and a look at how Modern Feminism failed politically both with its support of Prohibition and its abandonment of basic Marxist thinking. At the root of nearly all of these issues is that Puritanism [always a tool of Patriarchy] is still deeply embedded in Modern American Feminist philosophy.”

Part Five: “Building a New Matriarchy - Tactical Initiatives”

~Part Five essentially requires more details about the various Tactical Initiatives and also some illustrations of Stage Three of The First Karaal, which I promise will be nifty.

Part Six: “Building a New Matriarchy - The Trikona”

~As I said above, I am pleased with this as it stands.

Part Seven - “One Possible Future”

~Part Seven requires that I finish the various stories that are as yet unfinished or only outlined.

Part Eight - “Summation”

~I took a big chunk of the Summation and edited it into Part Two. I now need to re-expand it with some new material and also blend in the old Addendum C [The Individual and The Hive]

Addendum A [Tales of the Vekkan Cults]

Addendum B [Calendar for A New Matriarchy]

Addendum C [The Temple's Flag]

For those who are interested, the process by which this is taking place can be followed at Her Prophet Blathers About Re-Writes.

the explanation. the sisterhood, the temple, her prophet speaks

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