Debuting Again is Scary

Aug 13, 2007 22:41

Well, thanks to everyone's encouragement and support here, I've taken the plunge.

As of tonight, the first two chapters of "Torn Between Two Lovers" have been posted at, and I have to admit, I'm nervous as hell about it.

After being away as long as I have, this entire process seems vaguely familiar and yet foreign all at once to me. But I'm trying to muddle through, so here are some links to share: This is my new profile at and here's the main page for the new fic.

I've only glanced at the chapters to see if they look mostly okay, and I have to admit, even doing that made me nervous. I was sure I'd see typos, or things I wasn't happy with, or whatever... But then I stopped myself from doing that and decided to come here and put up a post about it instead. This way only my friends can see me angsting like a schoolboy at his first dance instead of having the rest of the world wonder what my problem is.

Anyway, setting that fearful scenario aside, here's what I decided based on all of the wonderful advice I received here from my generous friends.

First off, I decided that chapter titles were a good thing, but silly llama that I am, I'd totally forgotten about the chapter teasers! {slaps self in the head, then laughs}

So, to save you the trouble of looking them up, here are both of those for the first two chapters of "Torn Between Two Lovers":

Chapter 1: A Melancholy Afternoon

Working in the flower shop alone on a rainy afternoon, Ken begins to slowly come to grips with his separate relationships with Yohji and Aya.

Chapter 2: Flashback: Laundry Room Liaison

One month in the past, Siberian is overwhelmed by battle-fatigue while performing post-mission maintenance on gear in the laundry room. Luckily, Balinese is there to ease his sorrow and then to ease his body as well.

{nervously wrings hands, then ventures forward once more}

As far as warnings go, I examined a few highly reviewed WK pieces and discovered a disturbing lack of same. Not unexpectedly, I found myself utterly baffled by this. So, I decided to travel in the opposite direction and attempted to be complete without being ridiculous.

Hopefully dear friend nekofreak will note that I have tried to honor the excellent advice offered recently when I listed the following as warnings for book 1 of the "Realizations Arc": Yaoi, mild angst, coarse language, sexual triangle (Yohji/Ken/Aya), implied sex, masturbation, detailed lemon. AU-OOC.

Yes, this is more detailed than it absolutely has to be, but I decided to err on the side of caution. The same goes for my decision to include the indicia on each chapter. Hell, there are people posting with no information to speak of whatsoever and the moderators don't appear to mind. But for my own sense of well being, I'd rather have it there than not.

{considers going on and on about some other major changes in his approach to posting, then tiredly choses not to, instead, the llama just says}

Even though I'd hoped to post the entire fic in one go, this is going to have to be enough for tonight. Chapter 4---the bulk of the lemon plus denouement---was in worse shape than anticipated and needed rewriting not just editing today. Maybe tomorrow I can go back and fix it more, but perhaps just a taste for tonight will be better than the whole bite.

Thanks again for everything and here's hoping for a more meaningful post on all of this tomorrow... when my nerves have settled down again.

{wondering why he's such a wuss about all of this, the llama wanders off to reply to lovely comments and so forth}

realizations arc, torn between two lovers,

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