Driving to and from my mom's place in Morehead City each and every day during all of the hullabaloo has meant extra time to think fic-related thoughts. Which brings me to my latest request for input from my insightful friends here in LJ-Land.
Since my muses and I are not interested in constricting ourselves to the milquetoast material that FF.net would allow at this point, we need a new home for our fanfiction.
The Realizations Arc based on Weiss Kreuz is chockablock with lemony goodness as well as heavy ladles of blood, gore, and angst. Obviously, I need to find an NC-17 friendly site for those pieces.
My Saiyuki angst-epic "Painful Lessons" is easily rated R at the moment, but will most likely push into NC-17 territory sooner or later. Er, at least, that continuity is destined to go there even if the work-in-progress doesn't quite make it. After all, this is Gojyo/Hakkai centric and pretty much everybody here already knows how much I like to write those two in bed together. {slight smile followed by a wince} Too bad Melpomene really wants to make their lives challenging in that continuity and there just might be something dark lurking far off in the distance there. {thinks of the ever-so-evil Banri and then franticly waves hands to dispel evil plot bunnies, then resumes the topic at hand}
So, anyway, where do you think I should go looking for a new home for my fics?
For the record, my old MediaMiner account is a lost cause since the password and my old email address are both ancient history. The same applies to my FF.net account, but that's no big deal since I doubt my material would be acceptable to them at this point.
What I'd really like would be a place with decent search engine capabilities, review potential, and fairly good reader traffic since most of the universe probably thinks I'm dead. If you have suggestions, please post them here with URLs, of course, since I'm so dreadfully out of date. Darling new friend
ladypegacorn mentioned "AFF" recently and if that's a good option, tell me more, okay? Heck, I'm such a llama, I'm not entirely certain I even know what site that would be. {cringe}
Sometime in the not-so-distant future, I would very much like to team up with one of my more web-savvy friends to create a jazzy independent website for my older works as well as my new ones. Considering the fact that a number of them have already vanished forever like poor "Romantic Resolutions" which was what set in motion the snowball-cum-avalanche that was "Cold November Rain", I think it would be a nice legacy for the future. Of course, doing so will open a whole new can of worms since I dislike some of my older stuff and may or may not exclude it, but there will need to be a starting point before that becomes too worrisome. {thinks of embarrassing ancient GW lemons and wants to hide}
Since we're on the topic of requests for input, thanks again to everyone who helped me with the pedophile question for "Tempting Fate." After tremendously helpful comments and discussions, I think I'll go with 30 as the upper age limit for the youthful yaoi playground in that story. There is truly no way for me to express how important this discourse was and to impress upon everyone reading this how greatly I appreciate the guidance. {grateful smile and a bow}
My eldest daughter Amanda and her boyfriend are coming down from Durham today for the big gathering at the DHoC and I'm really excited about that.
Anytime I get to be with my kids is good---even the stressful visit with Lauren, et al, last weekend was "good" by my definition---so this is nice. Granted, it means no writing and no playing around online until after they leave, but they can only stay one night, so it won't be too egregious.
What is egregious is the way that my mother has been acting during this big get together of the family. Ugh. You truly do not want to know how ridiculous she got about my brother the attorney's 45th birthday yesterday. Blech. Even he was embarrassed about it and that's saying quite a lot. Worse is that she's not curbing her drinking and that's dreadful. Her decreasing ability to censor herself is already problematic, but this makes it so much worse. {dark sigh}
Well, that's enough for now. Time to go finish getting the townhouse ready for the next wave and that's a reason to smile.
Bonus points go to anyone who already loves the character in the icon shown here. Ah, Foamy. What a wiseass squirrel.