Fun Stuff

Jul 30, 2007 10:58

Later on, I may or may not try to add a post about my shitty weekend and the annoying reality that is my life, but for now, I think I'll focus on more upbeat things.

First and foremost, allow me to say---

Thanks, weisshund, for my paid account!!!

This vast improvement will allow me to have more eye candy in the form of icons plus a spiffier layout and less advertising. Yay! Um, I think it also means I can have polls, etc, too, but I'll worry about all of that some other time.

My LJ profile page is still boring, so I added my very own chibi-geisha weather pixie who looks kawaii as she reports on current conditions here in Coastal Carolina. You might want one, too, so here's a link to check 'em out! All the really cool ones are female---I'd rather have added a bishounen just to go with my pro-yaoi profile---but that's okay.

One of those "where I am in the world" maps would be nice, too, but I haven't a clue where to get one. Suggestions, anyone?

Something else I'd like to add is a banner for my Friend's Only commenting policy. The image I'd like to use is the one from the Weiss Kreuz artbook of Omi and Nagi on the bed, holding hands, with a laptop nearby. Since I lost my copy of that file awhile ago, guess I'll have to go hunting for it later. Or maybe I should just ask yanagi_sen. I'll bet she's got one. {tiny smile}

Oh, speaking of my adorable willowy friend, check out the new icon adorning this entry. Doesn't it absolutely ROCK?! She made it with images my bro found and when I first saw it, I almost died laughing! Honestly, that made my day and then some last week!

Well, I'd better post this, then get offline. There are heavy thunderstorms and other unpleasantness in the forecast for the bulk of the day and we've already got a storm bearing down on us. If you're bored enough, here's a link to one of my favorite local TV weather sites. If you do check that out, click the Web Cams link in the top right corner under the AP logo. There's a really nice site for the Cape Hatteras lighthouse there with supplemental images of the beach north of here on the Outer Banks. For more shots of our regional beaches down here, though, scroll almost to the bottom of this page and scope them out. Atlantic Beach (aka "AB" on the Skycam12 rooftop feed from the Sheraton) and Emerald Isle are some of our best known local oceanfront areas.

weather, icons

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