162 weeks = 37.7 months = 3.1 years

Jul 20, 2007 13:15

In other words, it's been too damned long since I was able to come here and say "hi" to all my wonderful friends. Then again, so freaking much has happened to me and my family, I honestly don't know where to even start getting back in touch here. {sigh}

A brief attempt to do that anyway is hidden here. )

ken's quandary, realizations arc, painful lessons

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Re: {flying tackleglomp} yanagi_sen July 27 2007, 15:39:05 UTC
Hehe... I promise I won't tell anyone... ^_~

I'm a sucker for Yuuri and Wolf... Canon yaoi!!!! Well, more like shonen ai for now but still doesn't happen to often. Hehehe... OMG towards the end of KKM (I was watching it everyday with Kym, one of my seniors and president of anime club), we were literally yelling (quietly it was school after all) at the computer and biting our fingernails.

Saiunkoku... so many pretties to chose from. I did a piece of fanart of Shuurei and Ryuuki in watercolor that I'm going to take out to AnimeIowa. I'm putting it in the artshow/auction and see if it will sell. ^__^ If you would like to take a look...

Speaking of AI... I'll be cosplaying as Omi, with Kiki as Youji. And I've made a Kira Yamato costume (the black jacket he wears at the VERY beginning) that I'm going to probably enter in the hall cosplay judging. I still need to add some more stiffening fabric to the back of the jacket, other than that, it's done. Had to make the straps, pants, undershirt... ^________^ I'm very proud of it. I'll share pics after the con.


Re: {flying tackleglomp} weisshund July 27 2007, 20:00:24 UTC
I like the black jacket Kira wears at the start of Destiny with all the buckles. Kinda like Vash's, except it's not a trenchcoat.


Re: {flying tackleglomp} yanagi_sen July 27 2007, 20:04:11 UTC
That one is nice too.


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