Mmmmmmmmm....The smell of a stripper >:)

Sep 11, 2005 00:25

So, Erin, Myself, And my boy Pete were supposed to chill today but Erin couldn't cuz things came up. I jus found this out now lol. So while Pete n I were waitin for her to call we got bored n figured Erin couldn't chill cuz it was like 9:30ish, so we went to the Strip Club. The gentlemen's Club to be exact. N no Amanda nasty ass Lacasse or however her last name is spelled doesn't work there anymore, THANK GOD! So we were there for like an hour n a half-ish, I lost track of time lol, n it was GREAT. There was this one Goth-like stripper there that singing along with the Tool n APC songs they were playin while she was on stage both times. So she automatically got extra points for knowing Tool lol. I got like 3 lapdances from her n she smelled SOOOO great. I smell like her now :) I would say how something else smelled but u get the Good! God it was great. But I didn't have enough to get a private dance from her.........But Pete did! That asshole lol. but after his dance we left n I smell like hot stripper right now. The best smell ever lol. Well one of the best. So in conclusion I'm horny n wish I could make a booty call

The End
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