Jul 04, 2004 23:16
The following is an excerpt from my livejournal entry on July 5, 2003. It applies again this year as North Custer stays victorious, in spite of the rain...
"Winners, and still champions... [05 Jul 2003|12:04am]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | Notorious B.I.G. - Juicy ]
The 28/2900 Block of North Custer reigns supreme. At least, on the 4th of July. Every year, the sky above North Custer Road in Monroe Michigan lights up a delightful, patriotic hue of gunpowder and billowing smoke...and every year the 2800-2900 block owns the air. We didnt fail them again this year. Powers combined, the Bussels, Poupards, Freinys, Meinharts, Kohlers, and Friedlines put on a hell of a show. Every year it gets more extravengant. Ahh, only 364 more days till the next Block party of the year..."