Never Goodbye...

Aug 05, 2003 02:01

I know its been a while since I updated, and boy do I have stuff to catch everyone up on, but I'm gonna go most current first because it's fresh in my mind.
Angie leaves in about 7 hours to go back to school. I just got back from her house, and I can honestly admit that I cried on the drive home. I'm not sure why... perhaps because she's been such a big part of my life especially this summer and I cant see her for at least a month or two, potentially more. Perhaps its because I know that true friends are hard to come by, and that she is definitely one of those. Or it may just be something as simple as the fact that I love her to death and miss her already. Well either way, it felt good to know that someone out there besides family makes me feel so good that not having them there brings a tear in my eye.
Angie, until next time my dear...
- Pink Floyd RULES
- Dont take any crap from anyone, youve done enough of that already
- Always end the day with a smile
- And you're right, boys do stink... I'm just glad you think this ones OK
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