Tue 14 Mar night
I went to orchestra rehearsal. Again I felt myself improving and remembering stuff about playing violin. We played for over 2 hours straight tho so I was really sore by the end of it :P We actually have a concert on Sunday. I wasn’t going to go because 1. it’s an hour away, 2. I wasn’t sure MyCar would make it there and 3. I’m not really playing at concert standard yet. BUT there are 6 second violinists and only 2 of them are able to play at the concert so I felt bad and now Linda is giving me a lift there, too so all I need to do is some practice! There goes my Sunday :P
Wed 15 Mar
A low ebb day working at Music. Managed to have a chocolate at home for plugging a few notes into my string quartet.
Thu 16 Mar
A wonderful day working at Music. The Lunchtime Concert was SO packed we practically put every chair available out. But that’s what you get with world renowned performers playing a free concert. They played Messiaen’s Visions de l’Amen so 20th century and not the fully tonal stuff but interestingly “weird”. I managed to have a short chat to
sirkahless, a fellow student composer and the performers so the day had an inspirational buzz about it.
I also got out more music to study, flute music to play and renewed my textbook. I've been up-ing the pace with the textbook and I'm looking forward to getting another!
I had coffee and dessert at Freestyle with
norksy. We chatted about love and life :) I was saying that we were like what Anne (of Green Gables) would call kindred spirits. I like ppl who are as interested in my life as I am in theirs.
Fri 17 Mar
Another day at the call centre…
I am so looking forward to getting home, chilling out with my boi and watching all our fave shows which are now all back on TV. Still haven’t done that tarot reading yet but I’ve been giving the cards a rub to get my vibes all over them.