boredom, serena, udems party, etc.

Jan 28, 2006 11:53

Well, it's been so long since I updated, I figured I probably should.

This past two weeks have been the most difficult at UT ever. Nothing has really started happening yet, like clubs or anything, and so there isn't really anything to do on the school nights, especially since Serena moved out *more on this later. I've started to going to bed at 8 and waking up at 6 to work out, which is cool, because I feel great, but sucks because... who at the age of 18 goes to bed at 8? yeah :)

Anyway, it just sucks because the only thing I have had to look foward to have been T.V. shows, ie. the Office, Commander and Chief, and (obviously) Grey's Anatomy and Desparate Housewives.

I think my grandparents might buy me/ give me a car though so I can come home if I want. That would be nice.

So Serena, I am just trying not to beat her face in. So she just moved in last night (school started two weeks ago for me) and of course is already complaining. She hadn't moved in earlier because she doesn't like the dorm room (who the fuck does?) and she thinks she's allergic to the room or something. I mean, it is sooooo depressing living by myself and not having anyone to talk to at the end of the day, but Jesus. I wake up this morning to her whimpering to Nathaniel: "I can't do this, I can't do this". She cries for like 5 minutes before I realize she isn't going to shut up, so I get out of bed and put all my books in my bag to go study in the library, and she then starts complaining about the mattress and how about she doesn't have insurance or money to get allergy shots, and how she feels like shit.

I really wanted to be like, Serena, just shut the fuck up. I couldn't go home if I wanted to, I have been sleeping here for two weeks, and you spend one night here and you are already bitching. Christ. It reminds me of on Grey's Anatomy, where this guy said "It feels lonlier to live with a woman who doesn't love you than to live by yourself". Not the same situation really. But you get what I mean.

Abe (Udems ex-pres) is offically over. I sent him a facebook message (snort, how lame) saying I just wanted to be friends, and he sent me one back saying he was cool with that. I saw him at the Udems party last night, he was wearing a Yankees baseball cap. Inside. At night. At a party. Either he is a thug or a total geek.

I'm not quite sure what's going on with this guy Adam though. So Emma kept pestering me about meeting Adam, and that I would think he was so funny and all this, but I kept putting it off. Well, Adam just joined Udems last week, and so came to the party with Emma and me last night. And suprisingly enough, I did really like him. He is really funny and cool and cute, but... I don't know, it's weird. He kept asking me about coming to this margarita party that he's throwing tonight, but I dunno, it felt like more of a pity invite.

Oh, and I think I might have made a fool of myself last night. So when we got to the party there was the bowl of punch, and a bottle of Everclear next to it. I figured it was a mix your own alcohol in sort of situation. So I poured about four shots worth of Everclear into my punch, and start drinking. Apparentally there was a ton of alcohol in the punch already, though, so I ended up being wasted twenty minutes after we get there.

And honest Eleanore came out.

So Adam is inviting me to this party tonight, and I ask him where it is, and he tells me that it is on the third floor of my dorm.

I hate hate hate the third floor. They call themselves "Third floor- blazed and confused". They are so snobby and it's ridiculous- we live in the fucking honors dorm.

And so instead of being like, oh ok cool, drunk Eleanore starts making fun of them. I threw my hands in the air and was like, "Oh look at me. I'm blaaaaaazed and confuuuuuused. I am sooooo fucking cool" and then I realized that all of them are from the third floor. And despite the fact that they were laughing, I think they probably secretly hate me now. Well, feeling is mutual.

Anyway, I don't think I'm going to go to his margarita party, because despite the fact that it's on the third floor... well, no, that's it. It's on the third floor, and so I'm not going.

Oh, so that's why I think he might have been tossing me a pity invite- because I was bitching about how much I hate the third floor, and I think that they all think it's because I'm jealous and want to be "blazed and confused", but you would think that if that was true then I would go down there with Emma sometime, considering that's who she hangs out with every weekend.

But I just don't like them. It sort of feels like being in middle school, where you know one of the "cool" kids and then you end up being around all of them and none of them talk to you because they are too caught up in their own bullshit- which is cool but I hate people who are, I don't know, I guess socially pretentious. It brings out the worst in me.

Oh well, I am so excited about this weekend. I think I'm going to call my friend from CF, Alix, and maybe hang out with her tonight, then tomorrow is my first day really working at the Children's Hospital- wheeee!!! I went to get my badge yesterday, and it is so cool and official and has my name and such a cute picture of me on it- hurrah! I took a picture of it, and will put it on facebook soon, along with some pictures I took just wandering around by the Capitol yesterday.

Then I am going to watch D.H. and G.A. with this girl who I met (sort of) at a self defense class and her friends. It was so weird, because she was in my group at the self-defense class, and asked everyone if they watched the shows, and I was the only person that did, and she introduced herself as Charlee and I told her my name, and then two minutes later she invited me to watch it with her, and I was just like, "uh, ok".

Yeah, weird, I don't care, even if it is oh so akward, the shows make my entire week, and G.A. inspires me to study so I can be a doctor, like them!

haha I am such a loser.

Ok, I know this entry has been forever long, but it's going to have to be just a bit longer while I try to figure out this Adam thing.

So here are the possible scenarios that I am thinking are happening:
1) He really wants a girlfriend, and Emma is throwing me at him. I can't figure this out though, because he is a really cool guy, and it doesn't seem like he would have any problem with finding one. I think this might be true though, because at the end of last semester when Emma first started badgering me about him, she said something about how her boyfriend thought he was "feeling a little lonely" hmmmm
2) Emma thinks that I need a rebound from Abe, and so is throwing Adam at me. But I don't know if this is true, because the talk about Adam came while I was still psuedo-dating Abe.
3) Both of the above.
4) *Best possible scenario* Adam saw me on facebook, and now has a crush on me. haha, I am so stupid. But here are two theories that support that:
a) so I met this guy that is friends with Mona, named James, and added him to my facebook friends. Over the break, James' brother asked him if James was dating anyone, and James said yes, and James' brother asked him if it was "that Eleanore girl, from your facebook friends" and James looked really confused and said no, and the brother was like, dude you should hook me up with her then. When Mona told me about this, I felt kind of flattered, but more creeped out.
b) last night Chico (new president of Udems) said something to me about how cool I was (he says this to me all the time), but then said something about how cool my facebook profile was, and how cool I seemed online- I was just like- what? I mean, who says things like that? "You're awesome. And your facebook profile was awesome too!"

So here are the possible outcomes from the party last night:
1) Adam does not like me, nor did he ever, but has pity for me, hence the party invite.
2) *Most likely scenario* Adam once liked me, but after having met drunken crazy bitch Eleanore, thinks I am fucking insane.
3) Adam likes me, and I was not imagining him staring at me all night, hence the party invite. But no good will ever come, because I don't want to have to be on the third floor- ever.

Well, at least it gives me something to do, vs being bored shitless.

I really should do my homework, haha, I remember asking Sam once if he read my livejournal, and he told me that the entries were so long usually that he didn't or couldn't. Well, if you've made it this far, I'll be kind and stop writing, and do some homework.

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