I've been designing a device in my head. This ought to exist, but if it does I'm not quite sure what it would be called or how I could find it. Maybe some of you other techies out there can point me in the right direction - or set me straight.
It started with my long-held desire for a replacement wireless router. (
some technical details )
Comments 19
Not sure what processor is in it - mine has 32mb of ram, which isn't ideal, but...
I currently have mine running as printer server, file server, firewall and music server (using daapd). When I move to somewhere with a less weird network arrangement, I also shall have it running dDNS. Hadn't thought of using it as a web server, but that's mainly because the disk I have hung off it is quite loud, so I turn it off. If I was hosting off flash, I might well do it - I know other people have.
They are quite difficult to get hold of - I ended up paying about 70GBP for mine, as I couldn't find them anywhere.
There are other very-small-form factor Linix boxes. You could make your own with kit from Mini-ITX.COM (who are British despite the .com), who have details of various people’s wacky enclosures for their miniature PC boards. As well as Mini-ITX there are also Nano-ITX and now Pico-ITX standards; these are even smaller but presumably cost more. There are fanless boards with dual Ethernet, which would suit a router.
There are companies that make Mini-ITX-based systems as a cottage industry.
Mini-ITX might do me, though it is quite a bit higher specced (and expensive) than I was looking for. With a quick scan, I found ones there that would do what I was looking for for £300-£400. With more hunting, I could maybe find something a bit simpler, and I could probably get it down by finding some of the components elsewhere.
Alternatively an EEE-PC laptop is about twice that price, there is no reason you couldn't have one of them sitting somewhere.
Odd that both options (osymandias's router and the EEE-PC) are from Asus. It's a pity they have such a crap website.
However last time I looked into these they are seriously expensive (c 350 quid) as they are specialist things for people paying one-off commercial rates.
Also, I concluded you would have to know what you are doing to a far greater extent than I do or would ever want to, but you are probably more versed in the way of such things.
The other thing to look at is http://www.gumstix.com/ Again if you know what you are doing I suspect you can hook up the sort of thigns you want.
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