In 2004...
Cried?: Pretty much, to sleep
Hugged Someone?: (:
Gotten Into A Fight?: Not really, more like punching his arms
Smoked?: I don't smoke
Drank Alcohol?: Cabernet's yumm.
Kissed Someone On The Cheek?: Not just one
Got A Kiss On The Cheek?: Yes
Kissed Someone On The Lips?: (Muacks)
Got A Kiss On The Lips?: (Wee) yes
Said Bad Words? I cuss like there's no 'morrow
Fall In Love? Very much
Flirted?: Nympho's my middle name
Had Sex?: Shhhh
Slept With A Boy/Girl?: Oh dog god, i've sinned
Hit Someone?: Shhh
Cuddled With Someone?: Yes
Held Hands?: Yeah
Made-out?: Yes, under the stars
Laughed So Hard That It Hurt?: Duh
Cried So Hard That It Hurt?: Sadly, yes
Had Someone Tell You That They Like You?: Quite a few (scratches head)
Got Cheated On?: Not that I know of
Got Dumped?: Nope
Gone On A Date?: Yesh
Liked Someone So Much That It Hurt?: Yes
Loved Someone So Much That It Hurt?: Same as above
2004...what a good year.
It may be 4th january but still, Happy two-zero-zero-five.