Part one. The BBC couldn't find a 12th woman as interesting as a female panda named Sweetie for its "female faces of the year 2011." See this site's discussion: One wonders who at the BBC--what gender, that is--decided on the ones they did pick, including Sweetie. (I suppose we should be glad there weren't more non-
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I saw my first pink firearm at a gun show, a pink .22 rifle, maybe seven years ago. It was disgusting. That was supposed to be Daddy's little girl's first gun. Right. When I took the old rifle in to a really good gun shop for some work, they had a .22 rifle with its [expletive deleted] stock done in pink camo. Disgusting. Now you see pink stuff in the Bass catalog, including "action figures" of a family in the woods--the mother and daughter are of course wearing pink and lavender. The clothes for women are all designed to be attractive to guys ogling women, not useful for women actually hunting and fishing.
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