Today's walk in the woods was a lot of fun, even when I stepped in some "quicksand" and lost a shoe (momentarily.)
One thing I accomplished was some reasonably good photographs of fish in the creek. The water is very clear right now (it won't last--it's already not quite as clear as Saturday) so I was able to focus *almost* perfectly on the fish when the sun was out, shining right down onto the water. It was moving smoothly, with little surface distortion--the fish were moving all the time, though.
These are very small fish, probably about 2-4 inches long (the pictures I'm including here are of about 4" fish.) I don't know what they are, can't find them in the field guide or online. The colorful one has *orange* eye rims and the fins look glowing blue in motion, though in the photo the color looks whitish or very pale. The colorful one was defending territory, chasing off the long skinny stripey ones.