
Apr 18, 2009 02:16

a while back i posted a blog titled "what happened"

the intent of that blog was to explain to people around who knew something had changed in my life, but didn't know what.
it also served as a means of me expressing my feelings towards the situation all at once, and in one organized fashion.
i don't like talking about it. didn't then, don't now.
since it's not a subject i feel comfortable opening the door on, i left the public explanation there for everyone to read, so i
don't repeat myself and my story, again and again.

tonight i was out at coffee and i heard the song i listed in that blog; snow patrol "chasing cars".
i don't know if i could have listened to it or not, so i opted that we go outside to smoke (i don't but my company, jennuar, does).

in any case, this has been long overdo.
for everyone that responded to my entry, public or private, and there were many of you, thank you.
it meant a lot to me to hear your words, thoughts, and your compassion.
not responding to each person individually is ... well... it's something on my part, and i offer my apologies, yet i have a hard
time revisiting this subject. but honestly, if you said anything to me in any way, please, please know that i cannot express
how much it meant to me, and i appreciate your time and everything to read what i wrote and to respond so kindly.
i know it was a lot to read, in length and in context. i can certainly identify that.

and jenny, thanks for coffee tonight. i was glad to see you.
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