The tears won't come. The rain will fall before my tears do.
My day is cut out for me, still I cannot bring myself to stop staring blankly at the wall.
So this is what a broken (heart) feels like. Is it?
Is this just immense guilt?
Does it even matter. It doesn't. I have to expel these words from my body or they will burn a hole through my gut. I have nothing to say. No one to say it to. Only burning and sadness.
It will pass. Like all else, it will pass.
I did it to myself. I did it to her.
Both feet out of the mud, now. I can move on to making the right choices.
Far from regression.
Oh gloriously meaningless existence, have I found your true blood? Have I found what makes you vibrant in a world already saturated with colours? Teach me the organic way to connect with the earth. Show me how to feel so deeply that it intellectually makes sense. Share with me the love you've learned. I am drowning in dismal weight. Your gravity is pulling me deep into your core. I'd let you swallow me whole if you so choose to crack your skin, taking me in, through your body and into your molten center.
"I really don't feel too good right now. In fact I would rather be dead than like really don't grasp how much you meant to me. Why even bother having hopes and dreams, they just get crushed."