Oct 02, 2005 11:46
i want a boy.
but not just any boy. a nice boy. a nice older boy, preferably.
most of all, i want him to want me.
not to have a "crush" on me, or to be my boyfriend, or even to "like like me". i want a boy to want me.
to be like "wow. emma walker. I WANT HER."
i've got it all planned out:
i want a nice older boy who can drive me places and take me on dates. we will go out to dinner together and roll all the windows down and blast the radio. we'll stop at a gas station, and i will dance for him in the parking lot and show him all my ghetto moves. then he will run inside real quick and get me an Almond Joy (my fave). THEN we will go back to his house and lay on the rooftop looking at stars. He will kiss me sweetly and then we will go to bed. not have sex, or anything close to it. we will just lay in bed together and he will hold me close. I will wake up in the morning to him playing guitar and sunlight creeping through the curtains.