I feel a little ill today. I sampled many Polish ales last night and have to say that the beer is damn fine.
I hve been surfing the web looking for rude and unusual names today. Partly because I am 'on the market' for a new name, not for me of course, and partly becaue I have seen some funny names while over here. Eva Minge and Bolek being the two best thus far. I have found some even better ones on the world wide web.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1587214148/ref=cm_bg_d/104-8063180-4158343?v=glancehttp://www.theasiannews.co.uk/news/index/11232.htmlhttp://www.abc.org.br/Gina/curriculo.asp?consulta=rfuck&etapa=7&lingua=I Off to Krakow the morn. Going to visit the salt mines and Auswitz (Oswiecim). So I will probably be in dire need of some ale when we return to Wroclaw.