Record 3

Jul 06, 2007 11:42

In light of recent events, we here at the Empyrean request that our guests do not panic.

However, we do request that the boggart missing from cage 56 be returned to the circus immediately. We realize that this will be difficult for those of you with weak hearts, and offer those of you who consequently die due to this boggart being released a second life.

The circus has released the following information on the boggart, and wish it to be known that there is a reward for whoever captures it. Along with the circus' reward, The Creator is offering 100 Credits to the person and/or people who capture the creature.

The circus will allow the capturer to select one object from its non-lethal selection, and that item will belong to its new owner until they exit the Empyrean.

The boggart is a creature that changes its shape to suit whatever the person facing it fears most. Our records do not state exactly what the boggart is made of, nor do they state how to immobilise it. The boggart is from a different world, and unfortunately, none of our current residents are from the world that the boggart came from.

We insist that our guests travel in groups of two or more, in order to confuse the boggart. If one has a heart problem, do not allow them to travel outside of their room. If a guest is already dead, please note that a second death will worsen your current condition. A fifth death will ensure that you soul will never be able to join with another body again.

Our guest list shows that a person from the boggart's world will soon join us. Until then, we request that you all take care. As always, you may ask questions, and we will try our best to answer.

-E. M. Rean
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