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Oct 07, 2008 10:23

I haven't been very consistent with my entries lately, obviously, and I suppose that's fine. Here's a life update.

We had a recent audition for the principal bassoon chair, which I chose not to take, and instead sat on the audition committee as chair. I think we ran an excellent and very fair audition process which produced excellent finalists and ultimately an extremely wonderful audition winner. I am really, really looking forward to working with the new addition to our bassoon section, and I predict great things from them and for the artistic future of the orchestra.

In related news, I'm thrilled to get back to all the other things in my life that don't involve playing the bassoon and making reeds. Not that I won't still have to do all that stuff, but just that I will have time to have a life in addition to playing the bassoon for a living.

For example - attempting to recover my health. I've managed to work myself down to a weight that I haven't seen in 5 years. After some testing, I have discovered that my heart is just fine. Although my QT interval is longer than most, I don't have Long QT Syndrome (see previous entries, too busy to hyperlink.) I seem to be in better general physical shape, able to work out for longer without throwing up for example. So that's good.

I've been writing more music. Almost finished with a Flute Concerto, and preparing a transcription of the C.M. von Weber 'Bassoon Concerto' to play with the Baker High School Band. Should be fun. Several other projects only beginning to coalesce. We'll see what happens.

Otherwise, just working for a living. Paying off student loans, putting money away for retirement, and really enjoying myself most of the time. Teaching more, which is terrific, and some opportunities on the horizon there as well! Anyhow, that's the basic news. Nothing too earth-shattering from my end of the globe. Pretty frightened about the future of the country I suppose, but attempting to do my small part to try and help.
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