Aug 22, 2013 12:14
they had revolved around each other for years, passing infrequently by each other, never close enough to touch but always feeling the pull of the other. as though standing on separate shores they gazed across a body of water taking in the wonder of finding something so beautiful, so close... they had but only to wade into the waters and swim to each other. everything open, boundless, possible. but the ever marching progress of time changes landscapes in ways unimaginable when lost in the thought of endless possibilities. their shores, once void of anything other than themselves, began to fill, crowd. as though structures were built, a fort to house the other people coming into their lives, a castle, walls, barriers. a bustling community formed around both of them and they could no longer gaze over to the other's beach and hope to find their desire alone, basking, waiting. but nothing, physical or mental, could completely cut them off from each other. and as though they were prisoners in a moving cell that had but a small window, they sometimes caught glances of each other through that small slit that offered so much hope... some of that endless possibility.
upon waking one night, or perhaps it was upon dreaming, a storm had moved in. lightning shattered wooden walls, wind whipped up debris. and they found themselves floating towards a beach they'd never seen... uninhabited... promising.
"it's good to see you..."
"you too... it's been too long."
the storm has cleared. the sun sets slowly.
"i suppose i should get back."
"yes. me too."
they gazed into each other's eyes and found themselves falling into the calm blue pools of their irises.
they attracted like water. it was as if their touching each other had the force of a powerful earthquake deep below the ocean. and their embrace rose and intensified slowly but surely as water levels rise. waves calmly, slowly, and surely licking at more and more ground. rising subtly and constantly. they were helpless watching this beautiful disaster unfold before their eyes... before their hands... before their lips. there is no stopping the water once it begins to rise. it moves forward pushing aside any manmade or natural barriers that stand in its way. it moves ahead, unrelenting, lapping at all in front of it, and after it has enveloped what is in front of it it moves forward, ever hungry, insatiable, ravenous. they found themselves drowning in each other, clutching and grabbing to each other to stay adrift, pressing all parts of their bodies that they possibly could against each other as if that would save them from the flood... but they were the waters. they washed and flooded over each other only as water can, covering all, entering all. they are become one as when two bodies of water meet. they rise and fall, undulating as a single wave, rising and crashing with increasing furor. the power of their love washing away any obstacles and constructs that previously seemed immovable, they lay as one, move as one... there is no greater force than them in this moment.
they lie naked and embraced. they do not, cannot, stop kissing, touching. nothing that has come before matters, nor does anything that will come after. their heated passion freezing this moment in time. never before have the floodwaters reached these heights.
they go back to their lives as before, unable to tell if it was dream or reality. the floodwaters do not subside. they are perpetually floating, drifting, cleansed. the confines which enclosed them still exist, but they have become transparent - they were never standing in the way of anything. they are merely mirages and reality is the water, oneness.
they no longer wait with anxious breath to catch a glimpse of one another through slits in prison cells - they have but merely to gaze into themselves to see one another.