That food meme, ganked from jonquil

Oct 22, 2008 16:08

What's the last thing you ate?
Carrots sticks and black olive hummus.

What's your favorite cheese?
I don't actually know that I could choose. I love all cheese, except bleu, for it makes me ill.

What's your favorite fish?
Fresh King salmon, wrapped up and grilled with lemon and olive oil.

What's your favorite fruit?
Pluots! No, mandarin oranges! No, cherries! No....

When, if ever, did you start liking olives?
Recently(ish). I had a friend who kept ordering olives on our pizza, so I learned to like them.

When, if ever, did you start liking beer?
Early. I've always liked beer, though I pretended not to as much when I was married. Foolishness.

When, if ever, did you start liking shellfish?
Always. I've never met a tasty sea creature I didn't like.

What was the best thing your parent/s used to make?
Mom's po'boys and/or muffaletta.

What's the native specialty of your home town?
Um, mooseburgers?

What's your comfort food?
Green curry or veggie chow fun.

What's your favorite type of chocolate?
The dark kind around caramel and marshmallow.

How do you like your steak?
Still mooing, and with some fat on the edges.

How do you like your burger?
Moose or bison (can I get any more Alaskan here?). I miss moose.

How do you like your eggs?
Whites only, scrambled with a bunch of veggies.

How do you like your potatoes?
Any way, any time. (But fried is always the best.)

How do you take your coffee?
As black as my heart, motherfuckers.

How do you take your tea?
I don't.

What's your favorite mug?
This blue ceramic thing that an acquaintance in HS made that my mom picked up at a fundraiser. It's sturdy and perfectly curved for my hand and holds a LOT of coffee.

What's your cookie of choice?
The wheat-germ chocolate chip ones from Specialty's for every day, my family's Big Holiday Cookies of Doom for special.

What's your ideal breakfast?
Egg-white veggie scramble, turkey sausage, sourdough toast. Or black pudding.

What's your ideal sandwich?
I'm not really large on sandwiches, but I could go for a turkey Philly right now.

What's your ideal pizza (topping and base)?
No marinara (so pesto or garlic butter), good mozzarella, lots of veggies.

What's your ideal pie (sweet or savory)?
I only like pumpkin.

What's your ideal salad?
A perfect Caesar. I'm on a quest.

What food do you always like to have in the fridge?
Bananas, butter, tofu eggs, fresh OJ, champagne, cheese.

What food do you always like to have in the freezer?
Vodka, frozen chicken parts, fish and moose meat from home, broccoli, lima beans, edamame, Tater Tots.

What food do you always like to have in the cupboard?
Various flours, brown sugar, confectioner's sugar, cocoa powder, olive oil, sesame oil, black beans, whole-wheat pasta, tuna, Carr's rosemary crackers.

What spices can you not live without?
Um, all of them?

What sauces can you not live without?
I'm fairly sauce-agnostic, but I'll die if you take my browned butter away from me.

Where do you buy most of your food?
Farmer's market, the local hippie food store, Trader Joe's, Safeway. It depends on what I need.

How often do you go food shopping?
At least two or three times a week.

What's the most you've spent on a single food item?
A lot of money for mortadella to send up to my mom.

What's the most expensive piece of kitchen equipment you own?
My Kitchen-Aid.

What's the last piece of equipment you bought for your kitchen?
More cookie sheets (see above re: Holiday Cookies of Doom).

What piece of kitchen equipment could you not live without?
You touch my Kitchen-Aid, you die.

How many times a week/month do you cook from raw ingredients?
At least twice - I'm usually rocking the leftovers from that.

What's the last thing you cooked from raw ingredients?
Chili, I think.

What's your favorite thing to make for yourself?

What meats have you eaten besides cow, pig, chicken and turkey?
MOOSE. Rabbit, lamb, bear, squirrel, duck, ptarmigan, bison, caribou, venison.

What's the last time you ate something that had fallen on the floor?
looks shifty

What's the last time you ate something you'd picked in the wild?
It's been a long time.

Place the following cuisines in order of preference (greatest to least):
sushi, Chinese, Italian, French, Thai, Indian.

Place the following boozes in order of preference (greatest to least): (The list is brandy, gin, rum, whiskey, tequila, vodka.)
The only thing on there that I do not drink is tequila, because no one ever needs that much juliana in their lives. Srsly.

Place the following flavors in order of preference (greatest to least): Garlic, ginger, basil, lime, aniseed.
All, please.

Place the following fruits in order of preference (greatest to least):
Cherry, pineapple, banana, orange, watermelon, apple. Apple is only last because they do Bad Things to my tummy.

Bread and spread:
Brioche with butter.

What's your fast food restaurant of choice, and what do you usually order?
Popeye's. Those biscuits have crack in them, man.

What are three of the best dining-out experiences you've had?
Seriously, I can't think of any particular ones, or any reasons why, except for food, laughter, friends, and love. Well, there was Nua, but that doesn't exist any more.

What's your choice of tipple at the end of a long day?
Depends. Could be a Manhattan, could be a good Sauvignon Blanc, could be a Corona.

Favorite cookbook/s?
Well, there's always Joy. But there's also a book that the parents & kids in my kindergarten class put out, that I refer to a lot. It's hopelessly hippie/70s, but it's still awesome.

Got any favorite food blogs?
EaterSF - which is more a resto blog, but it works.

What's the next thing you'll eat?
Not sure - I have class tonight, but there's yoga before that, and....

meme, food

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