Friday Fives

Sep 21, 2007 12:54

makaidiver contributed to this Friday Five! Sweet!

1. Did you write a list to Santa when you were little? Do you write a Christmas present wish list now?

I vaguely remember doing so. I remember someone coming in dressed as Santa one year, too. I think I found out the lie pretty quickly, though.

I don't - I have a wish list on Amazon, though. Well, I lie. I write lists of things I'd like to achieve/aquire, but it's not handed out to people.

2. What are the top 10 things on your list this year?

Um. A continuation of the happiness and love that I've achieved and received this year. That's really all I can ask for.

(I mean, if someone wants to give me Photoshop or new running shoes or Sims 2, I'm sure as hell not going to stop them, but those are things I'm planning to buy for myself.)

3. What are the three (or 1, 2, 4, 5) best presents you ever received as a child and why?

I think the best present I got was the dollhouse my dad made for me, inhabited by the people my grandpa carved for me. None of it was very fancy (like the store-bought ones), but damn if I didn't have a ball with it. Also, I remember Grandpa being very proud of the dolls, and that makes me happy.

4. What are the top 5 movies you think everyone should see and why?

Hell. Assuming a U.S.-centric viewpoint:

The Godfather - it is one of the most influential movies ever, especially in the current zeitgeist.
Lilo & Stitch - there are many reasons why. Just watch the damn film.
Any of the Buster Keaton films - he's a brilliant physical actor.
Malcom X - an excellent example of the biopic genre, as well as showcasing a lot of talent (except Spike Lee's acting - I rarely like it when directors act in their own films, and Spike hasn't made me change my mind).
Fried Green Tomatoes - incredibly well-acted, -directed, and shot, with the bonus of being a story about the lifelong friendship between two strong and awesome women.

5. Which comes first, success or happiness? Or, to think of it a different way, does happiness follow success or are you only successful when you achieve happiness? Are they even necessarily related?

For me, they're related, because I think happiness is a necessary component of a successful life. Then again, I'm not driven to Make Something of myself, to be the Best at anything. Family, friends, and the love contained in those relationships are my priorities, and so I count happiness as a necessity.


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