Friday Fives

Jan 26, 2007 09:22

'Cuz I didn't get much sleep last night. There was flailing to be done! And fic to be tweaking!

1. Would you rather have a fun job that doesn't pay well or a boring job that does?
Oy. Considering my current situation, I'll take the boring one that does. If I didn't have to worry about (HUGE) bills, I'd take the fun one.

2. Would you sacrifice your morals for a job?

3. Would you ever take a job that requires you to be in costume?
Um, have you looked at my history? I have been in costume many times.

4. What is your fantasy job?
One that pays me a lot of money to sleep. Mmmmm, sleep.

5. Would you like fries with that?
Mmmm, fries.

1. How did you feel yesterday?
Meh. Better than I do today, though. Nothing like realizing your boss thinks you're incompetent before 8:30. Whoo.

2. What kind of obstacles do you face?
My own damn self. Lack of money.

3. Who is a good friend?
Many people.

4. What is your fondest memory?
Can't quantify, but I can pick a good memory. Me & redwright & fijigirl having cocktails at Ike's and going shopping. That's a good one.

5. Does time always kill pain?
Nope. Sometimes it just lets it fester.


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