HMOG am tired.

Feb 21, 2006 16:39

Phew. Long weekend. Very long weekend. Need to not do that to myself so much. Damn. V. tired. Am like to falling down.

Plus, no rest tonight or tomorrow. Tonight, I'm going straight from work to the CalTrain depot to meet a friend from Minneapolis who now lives in LA who's working in Palo Alto this week - we're going to wander around South Beach and have dinner before he has to go back to work.

Tomorrow, I go straight from work to dinner with another friend and then we go see Cats. Why Cats? Because I won two free tickets from Theatre Bay Area. I wouldn't have gone to see it otherwise - I've never seen it, actually. Just didn't appeal. However, I am never one to turn down free theater, and since said friend is depressed, I figure it's good to get him out of the house.

Linky! The new X-Men 3 posters have been rolled out. Nummy Wolverine. And I want Jean Grey's outfit. Yes.

Right. 20 more minutes, then dinner. Then maybe karaoke. Possibly not. I am that tired. And that Random. Phew.

random, tired, weekend

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