Continuing the reign of the contentless freak...

Jun 24, 2005 11:53


So, yeah. Heat=BAD for juliana. Especially 94º heat with 50% humidity. I realize all of you Southerners are laughing at me, but there is a reason why I stay North and it ain't just the accents. I did run yesterday - inside with two fans pointed at me, a wet towel in the fridge that I could stop and grab as needed, and Powerade right there. Even with all of that, I still had to run at a slower-than-usual pace. Better safe than sorry, though. No use in exacerbating any heat illness I have.

Saw Lee Blessing's new play A Body Of Water at the Guthrie Lab last night. It was quite engaging, and one that I dearly wished I had seen with someone else, so we could go grab a drink and discuss it. It's a meditation on memory (and it mentions Occam's Razor, which made me happy). It also has one of the most beautifully simple sets I've seen in a while - a living room in a house that is on top of a hill that is mostly surrounded by a lake. It's quite stunning, and the set is canted just a bit, giving you an indication of the instability inherent in memory.

From an interview with Mr. Blessing:

"One of the pleasures I take in this play is that it manages to send its spectators on the same sort of unwilling voyage Moss and Avis seem to be on. First they must learn a reality from the ground up. Then they (along with Moss and Avis) are told that reality doesn't exist. They learn a new reality, only to have that one destroyed as well. It seems to me we all do this in life. Or rather, this is what life does to us. The Ages of Man don't just change the man. They change everything around him-his whole perception of reality. The more we learn about the world, the more we learn there are codes within codes. The more we learn about humans, the more we learn we will never know the deepest secrets. So at some point, we choose to stop learning. We declare that reality is such-and-such, and choose to be satisfied with that. But all we've really done is mark our own little particular neighborhood on the endless spectrum of That Which Is."

What else? We are to see Entertaining Mr. Sloane at the Jungle tomorrow night, and I have high hopes for that. Zach is enjoying rehearsals for His Girl Friday. I wish I could find a big version of their ad for the show, but here's a smaller one.

I really want to see Batman Begins this weekend. I shall pout most severely if I do not.


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