Very unsurprised.

Jun 02, 2005 13:18

Rogue Ninja
You scored 7 Honor, 3 Justice, 3 Adventure, and 10 Individuality!

You are as quiet as the wind, deadly as a viper and you follow no master. You are a Rogue Ninja. Let no one say you are without honor, lest they meet a quiet and questionable end.

Dress as you like and keep your knives close. You'll do just fine

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 35% on Ninjinuity

You scored higher than 24% on Knightlyness

You scored higher than 2% on Cowboiosity

You scored higher than 93% on Piratical Bent
Link: The Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test written by fluffy71 on Ok Cupid

"Ninjinuity". Snerk.

But, yeah. It works. I've got my own code of ethics that I follow instead of an external one, High Adventure seems too strenuous of a lifestyle to keep up for long, and I'm not comfortable being brash and swaggering (most of the time). Plus, it's the most fun one to say. Ninja!

Noting my utter lack of segue, I must say that Bulletproof Monk is one of the worst films I've watched in a while. Even Chow Yun Fat can't redeem it for me. The plot & dialogue are just bad, and most of the fights are mediocre and edited all to hell. I'll be sticking with Hong Kong movies for my treadmill watching from now on, I think.

Very tired. Very sad. Would like to leave work early today, but I don't think that's happening anytime soon.


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