And they're all great!
“Stacia Rice is the best Blanche I've ever seen…Steve Sweere is so strapping and tough acting, he's completely terrifying. Kudos to director Zach Curtis for brilliantly casting these characters …His show seethes with sexual tension and 100-degree heat.” -
Pioneer Press “Curtis directed Stacia Rice as Maggie in a scorching Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in 2002 and, here in Streetcar as Blanche, Rice excels again…Swere's Stanley is a raw physical force on stage. Carolyn Pool's Stella radiates health and a lust for her husband's love-making…Played by tall Chris Carlson, Mitch is an ordinary but good man, compassionate and sensitive…Karla Reck, Carson Lee, André Samples, Josh Jabas and Julie Ann Nevill round out this able ensemble.”
-- “Rice gives a vulnerable and reckless performance … This Blanche is a portrait of complexity and depth -- Rice piled up accolades two years ago as Maggie in Williams' "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," but she exceeds that work with Blanche, a woman frightened by her own shadow yet brimming with faux confidence.
Pool draws our sympathy as poor Stella, earthy, practical and secure in her plain skin.
Sweere is a meaty slab of real life … powerful, not pretty.
Chris Carlson is a solid and decent man.
Curtis makes this a theatrical journey, full of the raw humanity that Williams puzzled over, absorbed and then ripped from himself in this transforming work.”
Star Tribune “Carolyn Pool takes on the role's wide range of emotions without striking false notes. She's particularly fascinating dealing with Steve Sweere's Stanley, and she knowingly navigates the tides of lust and condescension that comprise Stella's approach to him.
Sweere has the hulking presence and seething anger that Stanley requires, also the moments of simplistic regret and villainy both base and petty.
Rice, Pool, and Sweere form a core of solid craft and searing emotion that makes things both satisfyingly moving and artistically stimulating.”
City Pages Woo-hoo!
(Also, new icon. Hank & Daisy sleeping in the cutest position evAR.)