Feb 04, 2005 15:09
We had quite a few large (275+) mailings that had to go out via overnight mail on Monday. I, being the office bitch, was in charge of coordinating them. I was scrambling from Thursday on to set these fuckers up, with a break on Friday to go to lunch with my boss to discuss my future goals. One mailing went incredibly smoothly, with the only problems being 1) a delay in label printing due to websites being down and 2) one envelope got stuffed with the incorrect items. Both of these were easily corrected and compensated for.
(We waited until Monday to print labels for both sets of mailings, because we did not have confirmation that the mailings could go out until 8 a.m. on Monday. Argh.)
The other mailing, however, did not go smoothly. The website going down ended up voiding about 100 labels, the other website going down meant absolutely no labels from them, the printing of materials to be stuffed was severely delayed, the alphabetizations of the label database and the material database were wildly mismatched, and we couldn’t get started until approximately 4 p.m. A lot of people stayed to help sort things out and write labels. Most people stayed until 8. I left (with the person in charge of the mailing’s permission) at 6:15, because 1) I Had been working on it for the past 3 days and 2) I had rehearsal that night, and we’re awfully close to cue-to-cue. (I normally leave at 4:30.)
Mind you, that entire situation had me stressed to the gills and upset. I was already stressed with trying to make sure everything was in place for both of those huge mailings as well as 20 other smaller ones, and then to have such royal FUBARs going on was very upsetting. The topper came the next morning, when my boss chewed me out for leaving when I did. Fine, her prerogative, although I think it sets a dangerous precedent, but what can I do? The worst part, though, came when the person that had been in charge of the FUBARed mailing decided to give everyone On The Spot Awards as a thank-you, and my boss told her not to give one to me. Now, I don’t really give a shit about On The Spots since they’re not worth much, but it’s always a very nice gesture. And to have my boss tell this other woman that I didn’t deserve one because I left early? And when the woman stood up for me and said that she had told me to leave when I did, my boss told her that it wasn’t her place to tell me when I could go. I still got the award, because the other woman rocks, but I haven’t been able to look my boss in the eye all week.
I haven't talked to my boss about it yet, nor have I (as some people have told me to do) gone to her superior (who is a very cool guy). I've been waiting until the rage dies down and I can be somewhat reasonable. And now he's out of town. So, that's fun.
I got my annual review today. 3 out of 5 possible, so I’ve Met or Exceeded Some Expectations. However, she made sure to tell me that she rated me a little higher than she thought I deserved on one key area, because it had been such a chaotic year. Thank you for noticing.
Lastly, some tax problems from 1999 have risen up to bite me on the ass, and I’ve spent all week (when I’ve not been running from fire to fire at work) trying to correct them.
So, yeah. That’s why I haven’t been around a lot lately. Fuckin’ whee…..