
Jan 09, 2005 12:11

I think that is my new favorite word. Yay!

So, um, yeah. Have had to go back on the Percoset. Not much, just 1/2 every 8 hours or so, but enough. Hopefully, this will ease up once I get my root canal done and/or the absolute bone-fucking-chilling cold goes away. It's said that it's supposed to be 30 degrees today. I haven't stepped foot outside yet to check.

Friday, Z and I went to the opening of Theatre In The Round's Two Rooms. Damn. Just, damn. So very good, and powerful, and heart-wrenching, and guh. It's by Lee Blessing, who so often expresses hard and difficult things in the purest way possible.
'88 script rings true in '05 staging of 'Rooms'

In some ways, Lee Blessing's 1988 play "Two Rooms" feels like some kind of quaint, grisly curio of the way the world used to be: Hostages were taken in the Mideast, governments postured, journalists muckraked, negotiations ensued (or not) and the victims and their families suffered.

Terrorism has grown more efficient and much closer to home in the ensuing years, journalism more crass, and politicians more brazen. But the last part - the part about the victims and their families - remains true. With the distance of a decade and a half, Blessing's writing sometimes strains to sound poetic and earnest, but his play about a husband taken hostage in Lebanon and the wife who grieves for him back home still resonates.

It's just so good. If you're in the area, check it out. (envoy - Ari Hoptman plays the husband.)

We went out afterwards with friends who were at (or in) the show, which was good. I've not had the strength to go out much, and being married to the biggest of social butterflies there is has been difficult the past few months. Sitting in non-smoking greatly helped my endurance. I can't wait for the smoking ban. I know this puts me squarely on the other side of the fence from a lot of friends (most of whom are smokers), but I really don't care.

Let's see - what else? Oh, yes. Saturday was the Day of Creepy Shopping. I dropped Z off at work and decided to go shopping after I stopped in to visit a friend's cat (we're catsitting, and she's so damn cute. She groomed my hair for a while). Don't know why I ended up at HarMar Mall, but I figured it was a chance to go in to their Marshall's and see if they had the Chinese brocade jacket that I love. They didn't, but I now know that Alton Brown will be at the HarMar mall on January 22. I may have to go. Even though HarMar is one of the creepiest, weirdest places I've been in a long while. I can't really describe it. Then I wandered into a Target that was closing down the next day, so it had about 1/4 of the fixtures up and 1/5 of the merchandise. I was wandering across acres of red carpet with nary a cheap T-shirt to be seen. Oddness.

Then there was just the usual ookiness of shopping in a mall (Rosedale). I looked for pants for Z - side note: why do they put the Big & Tall pants closest to the floor? Hello? Big: probably has a harder time bending down, and Tall: freakin' tall, people! Why must you do that to them? - but didn't find any. Found some costume possibilities for me in Measure For Measure.

After all of the excitement, I had to go home and nap. For three hours. And then go fetch Z from work. We ended up staying and drinking at the Market, which was good, since he (and Dave) ended up having to hop behind the bar to help Margo out when it became like unto a madhouse. By the time we got home, all either of wanted to do was sleep. So we did.

And now I'm up, and he's still snoozing, and I can't get the gumption up to hop on the treadmill. Not much planned for tonight. He's got Measure rehearsals, and I've got.... nada. Kewl.

Two Rooms is still percolating in my head, turning over thoughts of war and desperation and what being American means and how truly fucked this country is. Ye gods, we're a short-sighted species. [/obvious platitude]

theater, health, weekend, shopping

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