I think I've just discovered the reason cocaine use was so rampant in the 70s.

Oct 27, 2004 12:31

It was to make sure you were never hungry, since the food apparently all looked like this. At least according to Weight Watchers.

Those pictures have put me right off my fresh fried lobster. Who looked at those pictures and thought, "mmm, yummy!"? Even the soup looks awful! The skewers would be okay if it weren't for the hideous infestation of parsley. Parsley has its place, and that place it not on a skewer. Yeargh.

Speaking of food, I am apparently a fluffy fish. And what the hell is that potholder doing in the picture?

You are Fluffy Mackerel Pudding!! You somehow
manage to combine seafood and dessert into your
wonderfully fluffy world. We should all be as
tolerant of New Taste Sensations. And of
big-yolked eggs.

What Weight Watchers recipe card from 1974 are you?
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meme, food

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