Oh, as usual, gronk.

Jun 08, 2004 12:23

Not a very interesting night, because I spent most of it sleeping.

I got home, cancelled my appointment, and crawled into bed. Woke up when Z dashed in between work and rehearsal, and then conked right back out again. Woke up at 9:30, made and ate some chicken, talked with Z when he got home, and went back to bed around 10:45. Woke up again at 4:15 when Z came to bed (he had stayed up to let me get uninterrupted sleep).

As you may have guessed, I am sick. Headcold. No big, and I did expect to get sick after the show closed. Still annoying, though.

So, yeah. Getting through my day here and making it to the readthrough of MacBlank tonight are my big goals for the day. Whoopie.
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