Things that make me happy.

Jun 04, 2004 13:42

We're listing off happy-making things in Buffistas, so I thought I'd put my list in my LJ for posterity.

A By No Means Complete List Of Juliana's Happy Things

Dozing during a storm.

Running well.

Most angles of Downtown Minneapolis as I'm speeding on the freeways at night are so. damn. gorgeous. that I can't help but be happy.

Seeing a good performance (sports, acting, music).

The middle of striking a show, when everyone's in full swing and people are scrambling up and down ladders yelling "Cable dropping!" and everyone is just busy and joking around and looking forward to the first beer. I think it's the feeling of group effort and capability that gets me.

Curling up next to Zach under the warm covers.

Watching the cats play.

Planning our wedding together.

Laughing until tears are streaming down my cheeks and my stomach hurts.

Trying to keep it together onstage as Ari (Einstein) genteely mugs for the audience.

Watching actors crack up onstage.

Hosting parties.

Showing Eddie Izzard to people who get it.

Sitting with my friends and family, drinking and eating and laughing and talking.

Having friends all over the world.

So, what's yours?


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