Sunday, bloody Sunday....

Apr 11, 2004 14:57

Okay, notsomuch. I just always have that song running through my head on Easter.

It's been a nice enough weekend. Zach and I went to a housewarming party last night for a couple very good friends of ours. They bought a house this past month, they're getting married in July, and she's pregnant and due in late October. I guess I'm not the only one pushing boundaries in 2004. But they seem happy and healthy and well, so it's all good.

Z's mom saw the show last night, which made me very happy. She's not been out much in the past year, so any socializing is a treat.

Friday was the after-work in-office party that I alluded to earlier. It was nice enough for having to socialize at work. I had picked out some fantastic wines (thanks be to corporate for picking up the tab), and the food was delicious, and everyone seemed happy. I only had a glass or so, but it knocked me a little further on my butt than I had anticipated. Sort of nervous-making when I had to do a show in a few hours. It was fine, but yipes. Neither Zach nor I have the tolerance that we used to, and I don't think either of us have adjusted yet.

Apartment - still iffy. I'm leaning towards taking it, but I'm still unsure.

Reception - still iffy. Haven't heard back from the space yet.

Allergies - knocking me on my ass. This is by far the worst I've ever had them. No good.

Gronk. Show tonight. Only 30 reservations on the book. They'd better be loud laughers....

zach, food, theater, work

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