
Mar 30, 2004 08:49

I went for a run this morning - first a.m. run in two weeks. I could tell, too, because I was shocked when I realized I was running through daylight and not streetlight. Also, the tired. But I do love running in the morning. I love the feeling of the world waking up, the scarcity of people, the friendliness of the people who do make it out, and being done with the hard part of my workout before I even make it in to work.

What's been holding me up, and what's caused me to not run for 9 days, is this bus strike. (Well, and opening a show, but we'll gloss over that for now.) There's only so many days that I can get up at the crack of dawn and go for a run. The other days, I prefer running in the afternoon. But after walking into and out of work (and all the walking around I do at work), my legs are too tired to give good run. They can do yoga and strength exercises just fine, but they don't run well. I think I'll have to get my bike into shape and start biking in. It's still hard on my legs, but 12 minutes vs. 40 minutes? Biking wins. And my feet don't get tired.

People have been talking about feeling an unnamed dread, of sleeping with a baseball bat or hammer next to their bed. I haven't been feeling dread, but I have noticed an uptick in emotional disturbances. Lots of psychodrama and crankiness. It's unbalancing. I think it's because we're on the cusp of something. Something major will happen, and we don't know what. I can only hope it's something good, and not the beginning of The Handmaid's Tale, as I'm beginning to fear.

I'm still struggling with food and eating. It's not that I don't want to eat, it's that nothing is appealing beyond artichoke hearts, pasta, and smoothies. Easy-to-digest foods, in other words. But I think I've found my perfect pre-show meal - Kashi Crunch! and rice milk. Protein without the meat (which has been a huge problem of late), carbs, and calcium. Of course, I need a Luna bar halfway through, but that's okay. I can deal with that. For now.

Work is.... well, work. The promotion and raise are nice, but it's still the same old. Also, there is an annoying man-boy (one of three that I'm dealing with on a regular basis) who seems to be in permanent don't-give-a-fuck-about-others mode. I'm tired of this "type", the heavy mood-swing, uncaring of or oblivious to his effect on people around him man-boy. (Please to note, I am not condemning all males, just this kind of male. And I know damn well there are females like this, but I'm not having to deal with them now.)

Snerk. For the Ohio-istas.

Everyone please go take a look at this. It is a Russian woman's photolog of motorbiking through Chernobyl and the "dead region" around it. Haunting, chilling... Those words don't even begin to describe it. And her prose has some roughly beautiful turns of phrase. ex:

Most people had to leave everything, from photos of their grandparents to cars. Their clothes, cash and documents has been changed by state authorities. This is incredible, people lived, had homes, country houses, garages, motorcyles, cars, money, friends and relatives, people had their life, each in own niche and then in a matter of hours this world fall in pieces and everything goes to dogs and after few hours trip with some army vehicle one stands under some shower, washing away radiation and then step in a new life, naked with no home, no friends, no money, no past and with very doubtful future.

random, running, food, work

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