Feb 25, 2004 08:38

So, Zach made a fun new icon for me. Love it.

Not much happening over here. Trying to crawl back out of the nasssty spiral. May get my next tattoo this weekend as part of the self-inflicted therapy. I have to get it soon or wait until As Bees closes, since I don't want to have to deal with putting heavy-duty makeup on healing skin.

Speaking of As Bees, I must get my hair cut soon. Also, rehearsals are going well. I'm still feeling out all of the characters, and I'm not even close to being off book yet. Eeep. Again, the hardest is Illya, because of the Russian accent. It needs to be light, but still there, and eep!

Purchased shiny new running shoes last night. These ones, to be exact. Yes, that is a $120 price tag. Yes, I flinched when I handed over my credit card. However, I have the money, and it's my feet we're talking about. Zach and I spent a good while in the shoe store, and I had the salesclerk running up and down with three pairs at a time. I tried on all of their stability shoes, and those were the best. They felt perfect as soon as I slipped them on. Heaven. So, the money now, and I avoid spending even more at the orthopaedist.

The other thing about shopping last night? I had to go all the way up to a 10.5. Dress shoes are normally a 9.5 for me. Aargh.

Random random random.

Still bitter about lack of new job. Still trying to apply elsewhere. Still feeling stuck here, like I'll still be filing & copying at 40. The ambition is slowly being siphoned off by the bitter.

Right. Back to work.

Have a good day, all. And thank you to everyone for their love and support.

running, icons, zach, theater, work

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