(no subject)

Dec 05, 2003 08:03

No Friday Five posted today, so I went back and grabbed one from last year….

1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith?

Nope. My parents went to a Presbyterian church for a while, but they stopped when I was around 6 or 7. It's a great little church, though. Right next to the University, very wee and cute, and very supportive peeps. Don't think I would have gone much longer than I would have absolutely had to, but it's a good church.

(I was, however, baptised in the Baptist church and christened in the Catholic church as a wee lass. Ah, inter-grandparent politics…..)

2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not?

Um, no. Not Christian. Not any "faith", particularly. My spirituality borrows heavily from Zen Buddhism, but I have a hard time associating myself with any "ism".

"-Ism's in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should only believe in himself."

3. What do you think happens after death?

No clue. If I did, don't you think I'd be off making a mint telling people rather than doing this?

Seriously, though, I think some people's energy sticks around (ghosts), some people decide to give it another go-round (reincarnation), and some people wander off to check out other planes.

4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)?

Choirs singing. Candle lightings. Singing bowls. Sage burning. Meditation.

5. Do you believe people are basically good?

Hmm. Hard one. I don't know. Some days I think that, and then I see how vicious and cruel even supposedly enlightened people can be, and I think that people are basically evil. Humanity disappoints me more often than not. But when people exceed my expectations of kindness? What a shining moment that is.


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