Mar 01, 2006 16:02
I have to pick a city for next fall.
These are the contenders:
Atlantic City (although I think I only included it on the list because I like the Springsteen song)
Austin (it's got a thriving music scene, the people are nice, but it's in Texas)
Baltimore (it's bright, very unlike the dark, seedy city I saw on Homicide)
Boston (I could get over the fact that it's infested with college students)
Chicago (although not on the east coast, it's still my kind of town)
Las Vegas (it's not near water, which I think I need, and the lake is not that of Chicago's)
Miami (who can get depressed in all that sunshine? but it seems like all they do is party there these days)
New York (I left my heart here.)
Philadelphia (it's in my blood)
San Francisco (very similar to Seattle, but with the benefits of being in California)
Seattle (close to my niece and nephew, gauranteed baseball income)