Nov 19, 2004 22:53
So I bet your are all wondering what happened with the whole Im retarded and stupid thing...
Well, it so happens that things seem to be working out in my favor as well as in my friends favor even though the heavy blows are still messing things up for my friend but I suppose thats one down and several to go.
I think thats just peachey.
Any who, we're still talkin like before, even though the tension was duly noted I am a strong believer in time healing all.
With that said everything is gona be just fine, or so I hope?.
With a friend like the one I have, nothing is certain cuz tomorrow could either be a living nightmare(often) or it could be "I can see clearly now the rain has gone", yeah if you know it finish it, the song that is.
So today was actually pretty good considering the interesting night I had... I went to go see my friend play in the band he is in called CF3(Spanish Rock) they were up against 3 other bands.
They are quite good and I hear a lot of potential in them, my buddy is the bass player... hes got some serious beats.
There sound is like a mellow and heightning spanish rock style.
If I had to compare them to any bands that are like famous and all I have to say La Ley, Enanitos Verdes and Moenia with a nice dash of Depeche Mode, combined.
I really enjoyed it. And of course being the big cheer leader that I am I was screaming like a groupy for them and calling out their name and that sort of thing.
All in all I had fun, but Stupid Newtons law of everything that goes up must come down was displayed yesterday.
Just when the evening had ended I get home start preparing things for work today and low and behold my baby is gone... my cell phone has disapeared and I couldn't be more annoyed, upset, frustrated, and just down right angry at myself for not keeping track of it.
I had a crap load of stuff in it that I cant get back... so basically Im S.O.L.
The only upside of this is that I can get my Sidekick 2 that I wanted now.
Its sucks to misplace something you have been attached to for a year and half, it really does, but like all things Ill get over it guess.
That same friend has given me an assignment I guess to indirectly take my mind off my baby.
The 'L'word seems to be very good and recomended so Ive decided to pick it up and see whats up.
Well thats all for tonight its my mimis time until some thing new presents itself...