Nobody Talks About the Dangers of Fanfiction

May 21, 2010 13:53

Last night I started working on my prompt for a "The Losers" fic fest and it was still flowing freely this morning. I wrote a little while I was eating my breakfast. I wrote some more on the bus on the way to work. Then, yes, even though I know it’s wrong, I continued writing AT work.

In my defense, it’s been a quiet morning and I don’t have that much to get done today. I’ve been tapping away at it between tasks, always keeping the window small on my desktop, and stowing it whenever someone stops by my desk or I’m not actively writing.

Then one of the senior deputies came to ask about something. I quickly clicked the minimize button and turned to speak to him. I saw him looking over my shoulder, but my desktop photo is of the tournament grounds in Cincinnati, and I thought he was looking at that.

It was only after he’d gone that I turned back and discovered that I hadn’t minimized the document, I had expanded it. And, because I have the zoom level set to “page width”, the print was HUGE. He could easily have read a couple paragraphs in the time I spent talking to him.

Thank goodness it wasn’t porn!


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