That's Right Bitches...I've Got a Crossbow

May 12, 2010 16:58

I’m loving being back in my old unit. The girls are awesome, the DAs are feisty and hilarious. The cases are interesting enough to make even the dullest work…not dull. I feel like part of the team and much more appreciated.  One of the senior lawyers actually gave me a fist bump the other day because he was happy with something I'd done, but I was on the phone when he passed by.  Very funny.

I’m super busy though. This desk requires a high level of organization, and the person filling in for me didn’t quite manage it. I suspect it will be a couple weeks before I’ve got everything straightened out again. Until then I find the days racing by, and I’m getting almost no writing done at all.

Not that I would spend time writing while I’m at work, because I would never do that. Because it’s wrong.

I’m still totally hung up on “The Losers”, which kinda sucks because I suspect that it will be out of the theaters very soon. Possibly this week. I’m bummed that it didn’t do better, but at least there’s a pretty strong fandom built up for now, with some awesome writers involved. Hopefully we’ll be able to keep it going.

work, the losers

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