Cincy Tickets...Um...Yay?

Jul 14, 2009 13:11

Our tickets for Cincinnati arrived yesterday.  Usually, this is the cause for much celebration and woo-hooing and jumping around.  This year, not so much.  First, I had to look at the women's tickets, a reminder that they've ruined our perfectly good tournament.  Then, in that same vein, I sent off an email to the man who had agreed to buy our women's tickets.

Which was when he decided to tell me he'd changed his mind.  What the hell?!?  He cited not wanted to send money "blindly", since we won't be in Cincinnati until after the women's started.  Except, we had talked at length about that very issue and I had offered to send him - without payment - all the tickets for the days before we got into town, with the agreement that we would meet up to exchange the rest of the tickets for cash.  I had to call b*llsh*t for that excuse.  I don't think my reply was rude, exactly, but it wasn't very nice, either.

I've put up another ad on craigslist, and I'm kicking myself over all the people who said they wanted the tickets that I turned down because this guy said he wanted them.  Now, I know a bunch of other people are trying to sell their women's tickets as well.  *sigh*  If worst comes to worst, we just eat it for the cost of the tickets we can't use.

I want to write another angry letter to the Florys, though, letting them know how screwed up this is.  Maybe I'll write one, then wait a day and see if I still want to send it.

tms cincinnati

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